
Front Squat (12:00- Build to 1 rep at 90-95%)
Coach’s Notes: Do not build to a max. You will get that chance next week. If you have done the Front Squats the past 2 weeks then aim for closer to 95%. If you have not been here then build to 90%.
Front Squat (1 rep every 1:30 x 3 sets @85%)
Coach’s Notes: Same odea as the past 2 weeks. We are finishing with sets at a lighter weight. the goal is speed. Stand the bar up as fast you can.

Double KB Front Squat (3 Sets: 10 Reps)
Coach’s Notes: Use heavier Kbs for at least 1 set than alst week. 12:00 Time cap.
Every 1:30 x 3 sets:

12 Jumping Lunges or 12 reverse lunges AFAP

Performance & Fitness
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

16 Wall Balls (20/14)
25′ Walking Lunge
8 Double DB Power Clean (50/35)
25′ Walking Lunge

Coach’s Notes: Push the pace. Each completed 25′ Lunge counts as 1 rep.