
Back Squat (15:00- Build to 1 rep at 90-92%)
Coach’s Notes: If you did the Back Squats last week then build to 92%. If you were not then build to 90%.
Back Squat (2 reps every 1:30 x 3 @80%)
Coach’s Notes: Work on speed when standing up from each rep. The goal with these drop sets is to move the bar quickly.

Back Squat (3 Sets: 6 reps w/ 1 sec. pause)
Coach’s Notes: Try to use a heavier weight than last week for at least one set.
Back Squat (2 reps every 1:30 x 3 sets)
Coach’s Notes: Use the heaviest weight from part A. No pause in the bottom.

Performance & Fitness
Metcon (Time)
For Time:

2000m C2 Bike
100 Air Squats

Coach’s Notes: This one is a quick leg burner. Hold a high effort pace on the bike and burn it down on the squats. Don;t be lazy with your range of motion on the squats.