CrossFit – Wed, Aug 9

Power Snatch (3 TNG reps every 1:15 x 5 Sets)

Coach’s Notes: Build to 9/10 RPE.

Double DB Snatch (6 Reps every 1:15 x 5 Sets)

Coach’s: Use a slightly heavier weight than last week.

Performance & Fitness
Metcon (Time)

For Time:

5 Wall Walks (ADV:50′ Handstand Walk)

100 Double-unders

5 Wall Walks (ADV:50′ Handstand Walk)

50 Toes to Bar

5 Wall Walks (ADV:50′ Handstand Walk)

100 Double-unders

5 Wall Walks (ADV:50′ Handstand Walk)

Coach’s Notes: We are testing a big set of TTB in a workout. We have worked a lot on these so focus on good quality.