CrossFit – Sat, Aug 19

“Rhythm Clap” (Time)
For Time:

40 Calorie Bike or Ski
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Calorie Bike or Ski
40 KB Snatches (53/35)
40 Calorie Bike or Ski
40m Walking Lunge with Wall Ball
40 Calorie Bike or Ski
40 Overhead Squats (95/65)

*21:00 Time Cap

Coach’s Notes: We did this workout on Coach James’ birthday 2 years ago. We put a time cap on it then, but if you would like to finish out the workout past the time cap that is okay. You may also partner up with someone.

Metcon (Time)

40 Calorie Bike or Ski
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Calorie Bike or Ski
40 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
40 Calorie Bike or Ski
40m Walking Lunge with Wall Ball
40 Calorie Bike or Ski
40 Goblet Squats w/ DB (50/35)