CrossFit – Fri, Sep 15
Gym Announcements:
1. All Student memberships need to be verified before 9/15
2. Kids must remain in designated areas for kids during and in between classes
3. Bike raffle for James ends on 9/20

Push Jerk (2 Reps every 1:30 x 5 Sets)

Coach’s Notes: Build to 8-9/10 RPE

DB Strict Press (6 Reps every 1:30 x 5 Sets)

Coach’s Notes: Heavier than last week.

Performance & Fitness
“Punch Drunk” (Time)
For Time:

500m Row
50 Alternating DB Snatch
500m Row
50 Alternating DB Snatch
500m Row

Men’s Rx: 50
Women’s Rx: 35