CrossFit – Sat, Apr 13

Metcon (Time)

With a partner for time:

50 Power Cleans (135/95)

100 Double-unders

40 Power Cleans (185/125)

80 Double-unders

30 Power cleans (205/145)

60 Double-unders

Immediately following:

7:00 To establish 1 RM Power Clean

(This last part is optional)

Coach’s Notes: The power cleans will be split between the 2 partners with 1 person working at a time. The Double-unders will be done at the same time and partners will both do the prescribed number. The lift at the end is completely optional.

Power Clean (Use this to record weights used)

Metcon (Time)

With a partner for time:

100 KBS (53/35)

100 Double-unders

80 KBS

80 Double-unders

60 KBS

60 Double-unders