CrossFit – Tue, Oct 15
Coat Drive- Bring new or gently used coats to be donated to Fresno Mission.

Sign-up for 2 cities race under Certus CrossFit  Two Cities Marathon Online Registration (

Novemberfest is Sat. 11/16. Check your emails for more info. Sign-up your team here:  NovemberFest Team Sign-Ups (

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

Work 1:30/ Rest :30 until completed

50 Calories on any machine

50 Toes to Bar

50 Calories on any machine

50 Handstand Push-ups

*20:00 Cap (10 rounds)

Coach’s Notes: Score is total time including rest. The goal is hold a faster pace than normal since these are intervals.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

Work 1:30/ Rest :30 until completed

50 Calories on any machine

50 Sit-ups

50 Calories on any machine

50 Hand Release Push-ups

*20:00 Cap (10 rounds)